Monday 28 September 2020

Website editing

 I have a few more things I would like to edit to complete my website for the documentary:

- Anchor the idea that this is for BBC3.

- Add the documentary and edit that page once completed.

- Complete and upload my 30 second clip to the website.

Friday 25 September 2020

New website
 I was unhappy with my initial website, and so made the choice to start over. I am much happier with my designs, and have a few more things to add such as the details for get involved, and to update the documentary page once I have completed it. I will also need to edit and sort the additional 30 seconds and then this will be added also. The blog posts were an added extra I thought would encourage audience engagement for them to be updated with events and results.

I focused on my website for now as Harry has been away competing for the past week, but he has now returned so I can record my voiceovers as planned with him to continue my editing of the documentary.

I also need to anchor that this is a BBC3 production

Monday 7 September 2020

More images for website

 On Sunday 6th September, I had the opportunity to take some more images and footage for my website, as well as the documentary. The venue was Hickstead near Brighton and this provided great miseducating en scene of the grass international arena, compared to the sand arena of Pyecombe that I shot footage from two weeks ago. 

This leaves a few more aspects I wish to shoot for my documentary- 

One more voiceover from the talent, Harry Bateman

A video of the talent in a mid shot leaning over a fence with a horse beside him. This is so I can place the title of the documentary.

Website walkthrough