Thursday 25 February 2021

Easter egg


I have placed 2 Easter eggs on my website, and upon clicking the audience will win an autobiography of Nick Skelton. 

This book is mentioned on the website as it is recommended by Harry himself, and so audiences may feel encouraged to read it.

Intertextuality and encouraging audiences to get involved

 Today I have been working on placing some intertextuality within my website. I wanted to allow audiences to become involved not just by taking part, but watching or reading more on sport and athletes who have opened up about their paths to success. 

I used 2 books and a film for this, autobiographies by Tim Stockdale and Nick Skelton, and a film named Moneyball that is based on true events. 

These sport-based texts can appeal to audiences because they are something new and interesting to watch after the documentary. 

Sunday 21 February 2021

Sound work

 A little bit more work on sound editing. With one particular background sound it has been hard to find a suitable percentage that does not overpower the interviewer's speech, and so has been something I have been working on. 

The background royalty free music I chose I found suited to the interviews as it is soft and not too overpowering once it is at the correct volume.

Documentary upload


Saturday 20 February 2021

Additional Picture in Picture work on documentary

Today I worked on adding in final logos for Sport England and Sporting Excellence to the opening of the documentary, as well as the BBC3 logo in the opening scene. 
These help to establish the community involved and the emphasise support that the #getinvolved scheme has.

Thursday 18 February 2021

Pop up


I have added in a pop up upon the audiences entry to the website. I hope for this to encourage audience engagement if they have any questions to ask the talent.

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Blog post - Sacrifices

 A big question for what it takes to succeed is the amount that the talent may have to have given up or sacrificed in order to progress. 

In the latest blog I cover the issue with social lives and money with Harry, two topics that are very important for all showjumpers, and how he finds a positive out of these sacrifices too.

Saturday 13 February 2021

Easter egg

 In two places on the website, I linked a Lightbox that upon being clicked displays that the audience has won an autobiography of Nick Skelton, and by placing their email they have it sent to them. 

BBC3 conventions

 BBC and all of its channels have some typical conventions that I found it important to cover myself too. They all have a box that enables the audience to connect to iPlayer, find their social media and also email them. I chose to add this to my website in order to maintain their style.

Friday 12 February 2021

Extra audio visual

 I have made a second audio visual to fill the gap on the website.

It is another question asked by the target audience, what is the biggest barrier to success?

Independent company & logo

 It came to my attention that I needed to reinforce how the documentary and website is created by an independent company, and so worked today on creating a logo for a company named "Sporting Excellence". 

This logo has been placed on the website and I have also edited my videos to add this in at the beginning, and will do so for the documentary. I shall place an Easter egg behind the Sporting Excellence logo which the audience can win an autobiography of Nick Skelton.

Monday 8 February 2021

Documentary changes

 After reviewing my documentary draft, I decided to add in a bit more about competitions and the hard work that goes on. From this, I placed in a small clip of the talent discussing how it is difficult to attain a social life because of the amount of early mornings and travelling that he and his team of showjumpers have. 

This was a fitting clip to have before cutting to a show day at Brook Farm training centre where Harry introduces the venue and how he finds it. 

Sunday 7 February 2021

New blog posts for website

 After engaging with my focus group, they suggested how they would like to know a bit more about the 'day in the life' of a showjumper. 

I wrote and published a small blog post for this.

Friday 5 February 2021

Website adjustment.

 I have added the twitter account onto the website, and updated the social links to incorporate BBC3, Vimeo, Twitter and Instagram.

Thursday 4 February 2021

Social media

 Today I made a What It Takes Twitter account. This will allow the target audience to interact with the show, as well as ask questions for the talent to answer.

Website walkthrough