Sunday 22 March 2020


I have made some brief ideas for my NEA for both TV documentary and music video. I have chosen TV due to how my talent will be available more often, and with the coronavirus issue my talent lives next door, so makes it a bit easier for myself to gain footage and keep returning for more. Furthermore, with the unavailability of public locations due to this virus it makes locations for music video less than I would prefer.
An opening of a sport documentary may be more interesting for the age group identified, and using talent inside this bracket will also engage the audience more, as they can identity with him more than other ages.
I plan to watch some BBC3 documentaries in order to understand their format and introduction in the beginning, and adapt to the techniques they use.
With the idea of using equestrianism in my documentary it will be a different topic  hopefully to the audience, which will engage a higher amount of people compared to something they have seen many times before.
So far, the title i have thought of is "Sport Daily", however I would like to adapt this to something better.
The locations I have planned so far are the talent's own home, with this arena and stables that will allow many shot types to be used. Another location available is the fields surrounding the talent's home, of which allows long distance filming and a change of mise-en-scene.

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