Monday, 22 March 2021
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Statement of intent
Product 1
I intend to use the four areas of media theoretical framework along with my research to produce an opening for an observational documentary named ‘What It Takes’. This will be based on international showjumper Harry Bateman and produced by sport company ‘Sporting Excellence’ for BBC3. This idea is influenced by the lack of coverage of unique sports within the media, and so appears as something new and fresh for the 16-25 socially conscious, middle to upmarket audience. Stuart Hall’s reception theory is useful to consider here, due to the preferred meaning is for the audience to feel inspired after watching the documentary, with the call to action being to encourage the audience to participate in a new sport.From my research it is apparent that audiences are more likely to interact online or discuss with others if the documentary is engaging, and so I intend to use a range of shot types across various locations such as the stables and competitions to indicate the nationwide coverage of the sport, as well as using the hashtag #WhatItTakes to converge between the online forms and the documentary. Including a range of shot types such as wide shots and close ups will be paramount; however I shall also use a low angle shot whilst a horse jumps over a fence, which will indicate the power of a horse and the partnership between horse and rider. Stuart Hall’s reception theory comes in useful here, as the preferred reading of the audience would be that they find the shot and the documentary as a whole exciting and feel enlightened as to what they find out. Using various locations and shot types also allows the audience to have a true insight to equestrianism and experience the ‘observational’ aspect of the documentary, which theorist Ben Nichols describes as allowing the audience to be shown true, uninterrupted facts in order to interpret the positive preferred meaning. As a public service broadcaster, the BBC has a remit to ‘educate, entertain and inform’ their audience, and by broadcasting a new, less publicised sport to the 16-25 aged audience it allows them to learn as well as feel encouraged to try something new. This should construct a positive and exciting representation of the sport, and see it as a valuable asset to British sport. Nevertheless, it shall also reveal the difficulties that lay for sportspeople such as balancing a social life, money and injuries. The audience will experience a behind the scenes feel, revealing the hardworking ethic of Harry Bateman as an international showjumper and how he built his career. The observational documentary will represent Harry Bateman as a credible source of knowledge as an international competitor, as well as the interviewees that will feature.
Product 2
The website to accompany the documentary will maintain the typical house style of the BBC3 website, continuing its colour palette of black and pink to anchor its production. The website will contain extra information for audiences, including clips of Harry Bateman answering their questions as the 30 second audio visual, and blog posts about recent competitions and topics within equestrianism. This allows the ‘educating and informing’ section of the BBC remit to be fulfilled, as the audiences will find information separate from the documentary and learn more about this subject. From my generic research into BBC documentaries, I noticed the lack of digital convergence between platforms, and so this is something I shall improve by encouraging interaction via links to social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. As theorist Clay Shirky suggests, audiences are no longer passive and want to interact by liking, commenting and sharing, and so I shall utilise this information by providing platforms that audiences can interact with each other about What It Takes. There will be available links to organisations that audiences can visit online which offer a way to get started and learn further about being an equestrian, encouraging the call to action to be fulfilled by the audience. The website is also an opportunity for intertextuality to other media forms, and I intend to use autobiographies by Olympians Nick Skelton and Tim Stockdale, as well as films such as Moneyball. Although these chosen autobiographies may depend on cultural competencies, it allows the audience to learn, which fulfils the BBC remit further. I shall also place an Easter egg within the website, and those who chose to click on the logo that it is linked to shall receive a free copy of Nick Skelton's autobiography, encouraging satisfaction for the individual who finds it. The website will also offer the opportunity to ask questions for the talent and have him answer them in his blog or audio-visual clip, as I found in my research that having the ability to ask questions was popular among audience, as it allows them to become involved in the media.
How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)
A range of social media platforms will be used to reference the documentary, as well as pop-ups on the website. All of these platforms allow the audiences to interact by asking questions online or submitting via the pop-ups on the website, as well as discovering new content on the Instagram and Twitter. The website will have a social bar to connect the audience to the available sites and so create a network to promote the documentary. Furthermore, the #WhatItTakes will be displayed within the documentary and so can be a way to encourage conversation between audiences, and allowing them to ‘speak back’ as Clay Shirky indicates in his end of audience theory.
Saturday, 6 March 2021
Website final look
Friday, 5 March 2021
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Easter egg
I have placed 2 Easter eggs on my website, and upon clicking the audience will win an autobiography of Nick Skelton.
This book is mentioned on the website as it is recommended by Harry himself, and so audiences may feel encouraged to read it.
Intertextuality and encouraging audiences to get involved
Today I have been working on placing some intertextuality within my website. I wanted to allow audiences to become involved not just by taking part, but watching or reading more on sport and athletes who have opened up about their paths to success.
I used 2 books and a film for this, autobiographies by Tim Stockdale and Nick Skelton, and a film named Moneyball that is based on true events.
These sport-based texts can appeal to audiences because they are something new and interesting to watch after the documentary.
Sunday, 21 February 2021
Sound work
A little bit more work on sound editing. With one particular background sound it has been hard to find a suitable percentage that does not overpower the interviewer's speech, and so has been something I have been working on.
The background royalty free music I chose I found suited to the interviews as it is soft and not too overpowering once it is at the correct volume.
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Additional Picture in Picture work on documentary
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Pop up
I have added in a pop up upon the audiences entry to the website. I hope for this to encourage audience engagement if they have any questions to ask the talent.
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Blog post - Sacrifices
A big question for what it takes to succeed is the amount that the talent may have to have given up or sacrificed in order to progress.
In the latest blog I cover the issue with social lives and money with Harry, two topics that are very important for all showjumpers, and how he finds a positive out of these sacrifices too.
Saturday, 13 February 2021
Easter egg
In two places on the website, I linked a Lightbox that upon being clicked displays that the audience has won an autobiography of Nick Skelton, and by placing their email they have it sent to them.
BBC3 conventions
BBC and all of its channels have some typical conventions that I found it important to cover myself too. They all have a box that enables the audience to connect to iPlayer, find their social media and also email them. I chose to add this to my website in order to maintain their style.
Friday, 12 February 2021
Extra audio visual
I have made a second audio visual to fill the gap on the website.
It is another question asked by the target audience, what is the biggest barrier to success?
Independent company & logo
It came to my attention that I needed to reinforce how the documentary and website is created by an independent company, and so worked today on creating a logo for a company named "Sporting Excellence".
This logo has been placed on the website and I have also edited my videos to add this in at the beginning, and will do so for the documentary. I shall place an Easter egg behind the Sporting Excellence logo which the audience can win an autobiography of Nick Skelton.
Monday, 8 February 2021
Documentary changes
After reviewing my documentary draft, I decided to add in a bit more about competitions and the hard work that goes on. From this, I placed in a small clip of the talent discussing how it is difficult to attain a social life because of the amount of early mornings and travelling that he and his team of showjumpers have.
This was a fitting clip to have before cutting to a show day at Brook Farm training centre where Harry introduces the venue and how he finds it.
Sunday, 7 February 2021
New blog posts for website
After engaging with my focus group, they suggested how they would like to know a bit more about the 'day in the life' of a showjumper.
I wrote and published a small blog post for this.
Friday, 5 February 2021
Website adjustment.
I have added the twitter account onto the website, and updated the social links to incorporate BBC3, Vimeo, Twitter and Instagram.
Thursday, 4 February 2021
Social media
Today I made a What It Takes Twitter account. This will allow the target audience to interact with the show, as well as ask questions for the talent to answer.
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Website work 19.1.21
Today I have started to adapt my website to the conventions of the BBC website, after re-reading the brief again it came to my attention that I needed to emphasise this more.
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Update 14th January
Looking at my generic research from April, I have been able to edit my website according to their conventions. In "the bad guy" and "bats, balls and Bradford girls" they all have their documentary to the left with scheduling to the right.
I have edited my website to this format today.
I shall edit in underneath the documentary a piece of writing about the documentary for the audience to read.Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Re-visiting my generic research
I have taken a look back at one of my generic research documentaries. I have visited the website to view the layout it has, and this also allows me to recognise what I can add on, which will fulfil the call to action of encouraging young people to become involved in sport.
This BBC Scotland documentary website has clear layout and design, and so is a good example to follow. I may add the broadcast times again beside the documentary, or advertise the availability of BBC player for the audience.
Update 13th January
Today I am working on my website and adding in suitable features.
After re-visiting BBC3 player, most documentaries are shown on BBC2 or player. As a result I have changed my approach and made BBC2 a broadcaster instead of BBC1.
I shall add on information such as timings etc. I have added in links for the images so clicking on it will take the audience to the specific website.I would also like to make another form to check in with my target audience with my progress, and allow the 16-25 socially conscious audience to make comments on my documentary and website. This will allow me to tailor it accurately to the targeted audience of this documentary.
Tuesday, 12 January 2021
12th January update
Today I have added on a competition box on my website. The aim for this is to engage my audience and encourage them to become more involved in sport.
The competition will encourage the audience to publish their own footage/images of them doing their favourite sport to win a riding lesson with talent Harry Bateman.
Monday, 11 January 2021
Update from 11th January
From my feedback, I have chosen to attempt to add a VoiceOver to introduce the talent to my audience.
I will work with this and edit accordingly to introduce the events that will follow.
Sunday, 10 January 2021
Documentary update
The link above is to my documentary. I have edited my sound and added in both of my interviews.
I shall send to my target audience group for any criticism and opinions.
Friday, 8 January 2021
Website rearrangement
I have started to finalise my layout of the website to suit a BBC3 production.
I have added in scheduled timings on live television, as well as placing a space ready for the documentary to be placed upon finishing touches being done.
Website walkthrough