Tuesday 29 December 2020

Update - 30 seconds videos

 I have decided to create another 30 second video to allow freedom of choice for the audience on the website. This will be another answered question from Harry that my target audience group have asked. 

This will be produced after I have chosen what audio is best for the documentary, as this is an extra video that is not necessarily needed. 

I will use the same introductory music as "what are your aims for this year?" but use different visuals to the previous 30 seconds.

Changes to website


I have started to make a few more changes that adhere to the format of BBC3. I have begun to compose and introduction for the documentary and the aim of it which is to encourage the up take of sport for teenagers and young adults (the call to action). This also will fulfil the remit of BBC which is to "educate, inform and entertain" audiences, by providing information and education about a sport that is not so well represented, and so allow entertainment of a thrilling sport.

I have re-uploaded a small gallery which will be placed near the bottom of the home page. It features some more shots taken from my Canon camera during shooting opportunities. These images will most likely be changed according to what I use on the main pages.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Latest update for 3 minute opening

 Today I have been working on the latter of my 3 minute documentary, I have added in one of my interviews with Holly, a fellow competitor and friend of the talent. This follows a Voiceover of Harry telling the audience of how friendly the sport is despite stiff competition.

Following this I have added in a backing track named Stomp Rock which has strong and bouncy charisma to suit the movement of a competition that the end of the documentary will feature with. This show coverage will feature a small clip of travelling, then an interview with the talent about the show centre. I have many clips to add on afterwards of the talent warming up and preparing to compete, and the Stomp Rock soundtrack continues throughout.

Picture in Picture video tutorial


Wednesday 16 December 2020

Website update

 I have started focusing on my website again after finishing my 30 seconds video, and have begun to finalise some parts and add in links to each webpage. 

I really like the use of colour palette that converges with BBC3's own, and so I have been able to incorporate their branding as a BBC3 production. 

Upon entry to the website I now have a popup that advertises signing up for updates, as well as offering the opportunity to win a tour of Harry's competition yard. 

On the main page I have a welcome from the talent to his documentary and web page and mentioning the call to action and businesses involved in the production of the documentary.

Final video

 What are your aims for this year?

I have added in the BBC3 logo to my video, as well as another small cup whilst the talent is speaking.

The horse of the year show logo also features whilst Harry mentions it as a competition aim for this year.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

30 seconds update

 What are your aims for this year?

I have added another cutaway for my video, as well as including the horse of the year show logo, which Harry mentions in his aims for shows to qualify for.

30 seconds

 What are your aims for this year?

The audience have been given the opportunity to ask questions for the talent to answer. 

This is only the first one but I have a few more to add on also. 

Monday 14 December 2020



Update - latest interviews

 I have conducted my last interview with Jonathon English - a team selector for British Showjumping teams, as well as Holly Grimwade, a fellow rider.

This enables more perspectives of my talent for the audience 

I was able to place portraits of them on the website also.

Website walkthrough
