Wednesday 10 June 2020

BBC3 and how they commission

It was quite interesting to find out how BBC3 commission and support inexperienced and young film makers who are making documentaries.
"Documentaries are at the heart of longform content on BBC Three and we've learned that the films which really resonate with younger people are on subjects that tackle the issues important to them head on. We therefore want ideas that stimulate strong emotions and provoke reactions"
This excerpt is from the website itself, and what I found good was how they want to identify and discuss issues that the 16-25 year old target audience may find in life to come. 
Relating to my own documentary, I will be featuring interviews with Harry and his boyfriend with how they manage their relationship with such a demanding sport, and their social life outside of the sport. I also hope to feature some information on mental health (as featured in generic research 1 which was featured in a very accurate way), which can provide information for the audience themselves also. 
The website also identifies that they wish to feature documentaries that resonate with audiences, so something they may have experienced or know of, and featuring mental health within my documentary and online forms may be accurate in fulfilling the wishes of BBC3.

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