Wednesday 10 June 2020

Plan for audio visual on website

For the website, I have some topics that could be covered that will engage the audience and be separate from the documentary itself.
- Mental health, managing stress and anxiety when it comes to competing.
Competitions can be a stressful time for any sportsman, so this may resonate with the audiences who may also take part in sport. The talent can share his own experiences with this issue and how we resolves it, and so giving guidance to the audience. This will help to fulfil the 'educating' aspect of BBC's public service broadcasting remit.
- Keeping fit & exercise - hints and tips.
As well as riding many horses a day, the talent also likes to attend the gym daily. However, with lock-down closing all gym's, Harry has created his own home workouts. He can explain how he has managed during this time and advice for other people too with being at home.
- Daily routine/behind the scenes of a horse yard.
This type of video would be observational (Ben Nichols' 6 modes of documentary) to allow the audience to find the true hard work that goes on everyday for the horses and their routine to keep in shape. It can feature each hour from the beginning until end and what the day entails.
- Inspiration 
This allows the talent to speak on a personal level with the audience of who has inspired him, such as gold medal winner of 2016 Olympic Games Nick Skelton, or the late Tim Stockdale who was also a very inspirational sportsman.

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