Wednesday 1 April 2020

Audience Research: Feedback on pitch

 With the initial idea of Harry Bateman: Grassroots amateur too international star, I had hoped some would prefer improvement to the name as I felt it needed to be shorter and more memorable to the audience. Overall I am happy that 8 out of 12 had a positive response.

The qualitative response to question 2 was what I had hoped for, with some recommending shortening to just 'Bateman:...' rather than his full name.
Some struggled to understand the term 'grassroots' so it may be an idea to adapt this so a wider audience can understand the title.
I also understand how the term grassroots may be an intriguing aspect to the audience, to understand what this is by watching the show and looking on the website, so it may possibly work in some cases.

 The overall response to question 3 was positive, that my idea of using Harry Bateman and his sport as my talent will work for the audience specified by the exam board. This gives me a good grounding that I can  move forward in my ideas.
With question 4, and 4 saying that more links for engagement are needed, I think this could be solved by including links both online and in the video for how to get involved with the sport if they feel inspired to do so. This could be to websites such as British showjumping or British horse society.

The main response to question 5 is that additional videos of training would be successful, and then following in with links to get involved or see more.
Another suggestion as a way to get the audience involved is by sending in pictures of their own horses, or people getting involved with the sport in other ways too. I really like this idea and I think it would be great to include it.
The website is a great place to include more links to many different societies and groups, creating a feel of involvement for the audience with the show.
 The feedback from question 6 gave me many different features I had initially forgotten about.
A competition is a fantastic way to get the audience to visit online and sign up to newsletters also, and I could achieve this by having a competition to win tickets for HOYS, The horse of the year show. This show is not only for equestrians, but for audiences who want to experience something new, so is really suited
The idea of setbacks during his journey is great to show realism, and that every road is not smooth. It would be a great addition to the website, and as a way to show to the audience how the sport has its negative sides also, where it is extremely dangerous.
 Although one member stated that the idea of intertextuality should not be included, I think it would be a good way to encourage reading of other successful sportsmen for the audience.
Majority said that this should be included on the website, of which I agree, as it allows audio visual content to also be featured, or just an audio of Harry describing the texts and how he enjoys them.
With the final question, I can see that some think more intertextuality is needed, of which i will have to think some more about how I will achieve this.
Furthermore, I can widen ideas to the Olympics, and this can be mentioned in both forms, such as a news update on the teams for the Olympics, international competitions and so on.

The feedback I have gathered has helped me tweak my ideas in some ways, and finalise that this idea can be successful if shot and made correctly both in documentary and online, so I am positive with what I received.

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