Monday 13 April 2020

Generic research: Textual Analysis 1

Newsbeat Documentaries: Tries, tackles & title dreams

I have focused my 3 documentary pieces on sport in order to emulate the best possible result for my own sport documentary. It has been very interesting to watch different sports that I would have originally been interested in, such as "Tries, tackles & title reams" being for rugby fans, and this made me realise that this is what I want for the audience, that it is not only for the original fans of the sport, but wanting to engage others too for the best result.

The main aspects I highlighted as important or interesting during the documentary:
- Plenty of interviews with members of the team, coaches, other significant members.
- Lots of behind the scenes, not just the real games.
- The lady who voiced over and interviewed the team discussed the sport in general before introducing the Harlequins.
- There was a huge range of shot types that were very good to set the ideals of the team and their professionalism.
- Upcoming competition plans, what the team want to achieve in the long and short term in their individual places on the playing field.
- Showing reality, the setbacks of the sport. Injuries, recovery times.
- Other activities that the team are involved with other than rugby, their real lives apart from sport.
- Maintaining good mental health within the sport, what the teams conduct in order to keep in control with the stress of the game.
- Interesting cover of a recent scandal with the Saracens and problems within the sport that are discovered.
 These are some of the screenshots I took of the opening 5 minutes.

Other games, not necessarily the Harlequins, are featured whilst presenter Eleanor Roper discusses the sport of rugby during this establishing shot.

Behind the scenes of a less competitive, and more jokey team. The use of this shot is to anchor perhaps that these professionals are not always serious and have down time also. It is good to have many shots of the team in different circumstances also.

This mid shot of player Mike Brown in an emotional speech also anchors to the audience of that the sport is difficult, and with problems such as the world cup choices of players and dreams not coming to plan have an effect on them, and this show allows a real insight into their true identity.

The title is bold and clear for the audience, something I need to make sure I emulate. Furthermore, the use of three 't's' becomes a memorable title for the show, which is important.
The following 3 varying shot types establish the hard work and training that go into the Harlequin team's success. This is important to show to the audience that there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to have the success they do.

This close up shot of warm-ups is different to the shot before as it is at night during a friendly game, and so practising is consistent and takes place at any time. I think this is an interesting idea to include, and certainly something I can emulate for my audience for showjumping as it is certainly a 24/7 lifestyle.

This shot is interesting of online articles about Saracens and the scandal that took place.. I could possibly include the idea of drugging horses/riders for better performances within the documentary, or alternatively include this on the website.

Many interviews took place within the opening 5 minutes, including Chris Robshaw, who had his hopes set on competing for England but did not make the team. It shows an insight to his reaction to not being chosen and how he wished to improve his chances for the following world cup.
Setbacks are important to show that this is not always a sport that goes to plan.

However, there are good moments of success and happiness, as they win another game and celebrate in the changing rooms, behind the scenes. Again it shows a sense of reality, that the good outweigh the bad, and that they are a hardworking team. I want to emulate this to my audience through Harry Bateman, that not all ideas go to plan, however when they do they are well celebrated and deserved through hard work and determination.

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